1:1 Coaching Options

 I offer 3-month, 6-month and 1-year containers for my coaching packages! Success comes from consistency and accountability as we build momentum, so the smallest package is a 6 session journey. I want this process to be successful for you and I have found that anything less doesn't result in the transformation I like to see in my clients. Before we get started, let's connect and make sure we're a great fit! One thing I can promise is that you'll never regret the personal investment you're making in YOU. 

Let's embark on a dynamic journey of discovery and growth...

Together we will determine the right package for you! 

Please note: Monthly and 1-time payment options are available for each of my coaching programs. Pricing begins around $3,200.

Thriving 90 Program

  • 3 Month Coaching Program
  • 6 Sessions @ 90 minutes each
  • Bi-Weekly Meetings

Elevate 180 Program

  • 6 Month Coaching Program
  • 10 Sessions @ 90 minutes each
  • Meetings every 2-3 Weeks

Empowerment 365 Program

  • 1 Year Coaching Program
  • 18 Sessions @ 90 minutes each
  • Meetings every 3 weeks
Book a Discovery Call to Learn More!

Group Coaching Options

Empowered Leadership Coaching

The Empowered Leadership course is designed to elevate your skills as a leader. Through a 12-month learning program we will cover important leadership skills that include:

  1. Setting a clear vision
  2. Awareness of self and others
  3. Creating a culture of trust and feedback
  4. Coaching and developing others
  5. Trust & boundaries
  6. Listening well and receiving feedback
  7. Embracing change
  8. Setting goals and staying focused
  9. Innovating together
  10. Failing forward
  11. Building the right team
  12. Powerful growth

Other leadership topics may also be discussed during the program. The sessions will be interactive and there will be assignments outside of the program that prepare us for a productive session each month.

At the conclusion of the course, each participant will receive a certificate of completion.

8-Week Empowerment Journey for Women

Sign up and spark your soul!

Are you tired of feeling depleted? Are you constantly in a state of overwhelm? It's time to start living a life of harmony, joy and passion. You deserve it. You are worthy of an elevated life. Your soul is calling! It's time... 

New Date!! Group Begins April 7th!

* * Live meet-ups in Grand Haven, MI area every Sunday from 3:00pm-5:00pm * *

More Info Here!