007 What is life really about?

I'm back after a few weeks off dealing with life, sicknesses, and spending time in beautiful Frankfort, MI writing my first book!

Today I'm sharing two things that have been meaningful for me lately:

  1. A page from my book about Life and the dash we live - let's all make our dash brighter! Life isn't about the years we live, but how fully we live them. I mention Bob Marley in the episode and thought he was 37 when he died, but he's only 36! Can you believe that!? Wow.
  2. I connect that with an amazing book I finished today called "Die with Zero" by Bill Perkins - It's a must read!! He talks about Net Fulfillment over Net Worth! Pick up a copy today: https://a.co/d/6SWzosr

I'll leave you with my favorite quote at the end of the book... "The business of life is the acquisition of memories." Go grab those memories friends!!!